FiveGame SA:MP GameMod, Tutoriale

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FiveGame SA:MP GameMod, Tutoriale
FiveGame SA:MP GameMod, Tutoriale
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In jos
Mesaje : 236
Data de inscriere : 11/10/2015
Varsta: : 31

Classified Gaming RP - United Gaming script Empty Classified Gaming RP - United Gaming script

16/1/2017, 05:22
Reputaţie mesaje: 100% (1 voturi)

[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
First special thanks to George K(for helping us a bit with scripting)
Second special thanks to Bl4573R(Mapping.)
i kept this script with me for long time, since i'm not going to use it anymore i will release it, seriously i like this game mode but it's useless for me.

-Dynamic Business system
-Dynamic House system
-Dynamic Garage system
-Dynamic faction system
-Dynamic family system
-Dynamic Point system
-Dynamic motel system
-Dynamic ATM system
-Dynamic Map-Box system
-Dynamic Map-Icon system
-Dynamic Family HQ system
-Dynamic Faction HQ system
-Dynamic Family-Gate system
-Dynamic Faction-Gate system
-Dynamic Entrance system
-Dynamic Building system
-Dynamic Family-Vehicles system
-Dynamic Information-Board system
-Dynamic Dealership system
-Dynamic OOC Shop / Gold Bars system
-Dynamic Gas-Station system
-Dynamic Drive-Thru system
-Dynamic VIP lounges system
-Dynamic money-bags ystem
-Dynamic Gift-Box system

The old Script had a problem with /sellcar and /accept car,look there's just a missing part, /accept car, that's all, /sellcar created but we had irl problems that's why we have stopped working.
and about Mapping objects, it works fine now you can map in game and use /editor

Here's a list of admin commands
Server Moderator : /listguns /check /spec /setint /setvw /mute /nmute (/a)dmin /warnings /ch /kcc /senddmv
Junior Administrator: /skydive /bigears /freeze /unfreeze /slap /warn /cnn /rmute /goto /sendtols
Junior Administrator: /refund /tuteject /hoseject /fuelcars /setjob /forcetut");
Junior Administrator: /freezeplayers /unfreezeplayers /setskin /muteplayers /unmuteplayers /admute
Junior Administrator: /listmuted /listmasked /kick /ban /aduty /adutyoff /checkprison /afgate /agate
General Administrator: /fws /atazer /amask
General Administrator: /rhw /cp /mole /had /ipcheck /countdown /disarm /nohospital /setaccent /acolorcar /setgas /setcarint /setcarvw
Senior Administrator: /veh /vehmenu /fixveh /sethp /setarmor /givegun /givegunall /setgunskill /givemoney /setmoney /setstat /setfightstyle /setanim /givecookieall /givegoldbarall
Senior Administrator: /veh /vehmenu /fixveh /sethp /setarmor /givegun /givegunall /setgunskill /givemoney /setmoney /setstat /setfightstyle /setanim /givecookieall /givegoldbarall
Senior Administrator: /setplayercolor /setplayerwanted /load /adivorce /makeircadmin /destroycar
Senior Administrator: /destroycars /eventhelp /setcrime /givecookie /gotobluebus /gotoblackbus /fartbomb
Head Administrator: /weather /weatherall /tod /dedit /pointtime /adetain
Head Administrator: /gotocar /pban /unban /banaccount /gotocar /wl /setcolor /banip /unbanip /deleteaccount /rangeban
Head Administrator: /giftbox /editpoint /setgoldbars /givegoldbar /goincar /fire /re(sources)
Community Manager: /hqcreate /hqdelete /ganghqid /createfamgate /deletefamgate /editfamgate /famgateeditor /famegateid /fedit
Community Manager: /createfacgate /deletefacgate /facgateeditor /editfacgate /facgateid /editfaction /editfactionpay /createfcar /deletefcar
Community Manager: /creategate /deletegate /editgate /gateid /acceptrequest
Co-Executive Admin: /bizint /createbiz /deletebiz /bizlevel /bizprice /biztype /bizprods /movebiz /clearbiz /setbizowner /gotobiz /lockbiz
Co-Executive Admin: /houseint /chouseint /createhouse /deletehouse /houselevel /houseprice /movehouse /clearhouse /sethouseowner /gotohouse
Co-Executive Admin: /createfamily /deletefamily
Co-Executive Admin: /createbuilding /deletebuilding /buildingname /lockbuilding /movebuilding /buildingvw /makebuildingvip /sbm(setbuildingmusic) /gotobuilding
Co-Executive Admin: /createentrance /editentrance /entranceid /deleteentrance /gotoentrance
Co-Executive Admin: /creategarage /deletegarage /editgarage /gotogarage /garageid /gotogarage
Co-Executive Admin: /createmotel /deletemotel /movemotel /motelvw /lockmotel /makemotelvip /motelname /gotomotel
Co-Executive Admin: /createcar /deletecar /setcarinfo /createpcar /deletepcar /parkpcar
Co-Executive Admin: /createdrivethru /deletedrivethru /editdrivethru
Co-Executive Admin: /createHSS /deleteHSS /hssignid
Co-Executive Admin: /createmapicon /editmapicon /nearmapicon
Co-Executive Admin: /createMAPB /deleteMAPB
Co-Executive Admin: /createinfoboard /deleteinfoboard /setinfoboardstring
Co-Executive Admin: /creategstation /deletegstation
Co-Executive Admin: /createoocshop /deleteoocshop
Co-Executive Admin: /gcam - To Create Speed Camera! [You have to login with rcon]
Co-Executive Admin: /createpickup
Executive Administrator: /payday /oprison /lethimtalk
Community Scripter : /shawntermination /forcerelog /makeleader /savechars /makemoneybag
Community Scripter : /deletebag /deletebags /makehelper

Here's some pictures of VIP lounge and mechanic job location

[Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]

To Tommy Martins

Download it from [Trebuie sa fiti inscris si conectat pentru a vedea acest link]
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