FiveGame SA:MP GameMod, Tutoriale

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FiveGame SA:MP GameMod, Tutoriale
FiveGame SA:MP GameMod, Tutoriale
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Mesaje : 527
Data de inscriere : 02/10/2015
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SampSharp - Write game modes in .NET Empty SampSharp - Write game modes in .NET

9/10/2020, 06:03
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SampSharp is a plugin and library which allows you to write SA-MP game modes in C#. The plugin works both on Linux and Windows. The library contains various classes for every type of resource available in SA-MP (players, vehicles, textdraws, etc). Aside from this wrapper around native functions, the library also contains a good structure to build your gamemode on. This plugin was initially released in 2014, and has received a good ever since and I'm still available for any questions related to this plugin.

SampSharp provides two structures for developing game modes. SampSharp.GameMode and SampSharp.Entities.

SampSharp.GameMode provides a simple object-oriented structure for developing your game mode. All callbacks are forwarded to the implementation of BaseMode and vanilla callbacks are forwarded as events to the related instances (eg. OnPlayerText fires the PlayerText event on the related Player instance). A simple code sample can be found below.

[ltr]public class GameMode : BaseMode
protected override void OnPlayerConnected(BasePlayer player, EventArgs e)
base.OnPlayerConnected(player, e);

player.SendClientMessage($"Welcome {player.Name}, to a whole new world!");

public static void VehicleCommand(BasePlayer player, VehicleModelType model)
Console.WriteLine($"Spawning a {model} for {player.Name}");
var vehicle = GtaVehicle.Create(model, player.Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5f), player.Rotation.Z);
player.SendClientMessage(Color.GreenYellow, $"You have spawned a {model}!");
} [/ltr]

SampSharp.Entities (only available since early 2020) provides an Entity-Component-System structure with full dependency injection support for developing your game mode. SampSharp.Entities is still in active development but is already stable and usable. Below, a similar code sample can be found:

[ltr]public class SampleSystem : ISystem
public void OnPlayerConnected(Player player)
player.SendClientMessage($"Welcome {player.Name}, to a whole new world!");

public static void VehicleCommand(Player player, VehicleModelType model, IWorldService worldService)
Console.WriteLine($"Spawning a {model} for {player.Name}");
var vehicle = worldService.CreateVehicle(model, player.Position + new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5f), player.Rotation.Z, -1, -1);
player.SendClientMessage(Color.GreenYellow, $"You have spawned a {model}!");
} [/ltr]

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Our documentation website is still in development and some vital documentation is still lacking. If you need any assistance, feel free to join our Discord server!

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